
找到合适的抵押贷款可以让你走出舒适区. 有一个你可以信任的信用合作社就像在家里一样!


想买个房子? 祝贺你! A preapproval letter can help you shop for homes within 你的 means and shows sellers you’re a serious buyer. 阅读下面的文章,了解如何获得预先批准 .


(858) 636-3045 周一至周五,上午9点至下午4点


一个一对一的电话与抵押贷款官员可以非常有帮助. 你可以通过电话提问,甚至提交申请.


有了正确的行动计划,买房子就容易多了. 要了解更多信息,向下滚动并探索我们全面的预批准指南.


有了正确的行动计划,买房子就容易多了. Explore this step-by-step guide to better understand the ins and outs of the preapproval process.




1. 完善你的信用评分.

Your credit score is a factor that helps determine the mortgage rates you qualify for. 当申请抵押贷款预批准时,我们建议信用评分至少为680, 但是你会希望你的分数越高越好.

Generally, credit scores of 740 and up will enable you to qualify for the best mortgage rates. Meaning, you'll likely see no difference in mortgage options if you have a score of 740 vs. 840.

2. 与按揭贷款专员联系.


  • 我能买得起多少房子?
  • 我能得到的最低利率是多少?
  • 我的首付款应该是多少?

A Mortgage Loan Officer is a licensed professional trained to help you answer these questions. Their job is to assist you through the loan process and help you find the right loan for 你的 unique situation. 你会得到具体的财务目标和建议, 在最初的交谈之后, 你应该对你的房屋融资选择有一个很好的想法. 

At Cal Coast our Mortgage Loan Officers are not incentivized in any way to promote one loan over another. 这意味着你可以放心,他们会把韦德体育开户放在心上.



感谢您的住房贷款咨询! A Cal Coast Mortgage Loan Officer will reach out to you within one business day to help you with 你的 preapproval. If you'd like to speak to someone sooner please feel free to call 858-636-3045 (周一至周五,上午9点至下午4点).



你最喜欢的联系方式是什么? 选择所有适用的.


3. 确定你的支付舒适度.             

在你们最初的谈话中, 你的 Mortgage Loan Officer will let you know the maximum property value you'll likely be approved for. 这可以让你很容易在预算范围内找到房子. 然而, just because you qualify for a certain amount doesn't mean it makes sense to get the most expensive home possible. Your budget should be based on 你的 comfort level and how much you are able to put towards a monthly payment. You don't want to be stuck with a huge mortgage payment that leaves you strapped for cash every month.

One way to gauge 你的 comfort level is to budget 你的 finances as if you had a mortgage payment to make. If you're currently renting just subtract 你的 rental costs from 你的 target monthly payment and put the rest into savings. 这可以让你了解你的支付舒适度,并帮助你节省.

4. 调查你当地的住房市场.

有了一个现实的预算,你可以开始缩小你的住房选择. 如果你打算在南加州买房,试试Cal Coast 's吧 Home Rewards搜索引擎 where you can access the most up to date listings and get personalized alerts when new home listings become available. You can also receive expert guidance from a dedicated real estate agent by clicking the link directly below and selecting ENROLL NOW. 一旦你找到一个你感兴趣的家, 您可以创建一个帐户(需要30秒)并与受信任的代理配对.


5. 收集你的财务记录,并与你的抵押贷款官一起申请.

Once you've gotten a feel for 你的 local housing market you should get in touch with 你的 Mortgage Loan Officer to officially apply for 你的 preapproval. If you don't feel like visiting a branch 你的 Mortgage Loan Officer can take 你的 application over the phone. Many of our members find this option convenient as the entire process can be done from the comfort of their home. 要联系你的按揭贷款主任,你可以打电话 858-636-3045 (星期一至五,上午九时至下午四时)或 安排约会 当你方便的时候. 

你也可以亲自到加州海岸分行申请. At the branch simply let the teller know that you're looking to get preapproved for a mortgage and they will pair you with a personal finance representative who will take it from there. 为了避免重复旅行,请尽可能多地携带文件! 随意使用我们的 互动地图 找一根靠近你的树枝.

When you apply for a mortgage preapproval you'll be asked to provide copies of certain documents. 如果你的文件准备好了, 你可以在24小时内拿到你的加州海岸预批准信. 这些文件使我们能够核实你的信息, so that we can provide you with accurate interest rates and an official Preapproval Letter.


  • 去年的联邦纳税申报表
  • 过去30天的工资单
  • 过去两年的w -2表格
  • 最近一个月的银行对账单,所有账户用于资金关闭

如果你没有复印机,也不必担心. You can bring 你的 documents to any branch and our staff can take care of that for you. 根据你的情况,你可能会被要求提供额外的表格.

如果你找不到某份文件, 不要因此而放弃开始一个应用程序. 你的按揭信贷员也许能找到一个替代的解决方案, 所以一定要让他们知道!

6. 收到您的定制预批准信和商店的家有信心!

During the application process 你的 Mortgage Loan Officer will determine what loan options are available to you, 根据您提供的信息. They will work with you to find the right loan that fits 你的 needs and financial goals. 一旦你选择了一个贷款项目, 对自己的决定充满信心, 你的 Mortgage Loan Officer will create a customized Preapproval Letter for you to include in 你的 offer package.

预批准信让卖家知道你是一个认真的候选人, 有足够的资金来完成购买. Many sellers won't even consider an application if the buyer has not been preapproved.

Within 你的 Preapproval Letter you will find information important to 你的 home hunt, including:

  • 利率
  • 贷款期限
  • 您有资格获得的最高贷款金额
  • 你有资格获得的最高月供

通常, preapprovals are valid for 90 days as that is how long it takes for a credit report to expire. 如果你需要更多的时间,也没什么大不了的  just let 你的 Mortgage Loan Officer know and they'll be happy to help get you an extension.




  1. 返利由Home Rewards Group, Inc .颁发. to buyers and sellers who select and use a real estate agent in the Home Rewards network. 仅购买住宅物业可获20%的回扣. 交易结束时,款项记入你的帐内. Using 加州海岸信用社 for a mortgage loan is not a requirement to earn the rebate. 购买价格必须大于150,000美元. All rebates are subject to limitations, lender guidelines, state laws and other requirements. 某些物业可能没有资格获得折扣. Please consult a qualified tax professional for advice on tax implications from receiving a rebate. Home Rewards Group, Inc. 不隶属于加州海岸信用社吗. 如有更改,恕不另行通知.


Have a question about 你的 account, applying for a loan or perhaps you're ready to talk refinancing? 无论你有什么问题或需要, our Member Service Center is always happily available to walk you through every step of the process with 你的 以最大利益为重. 

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